B.O.L.D. for Wisconsin VIPs
Nancy Mueller, controller for Energenecs and Bill O’Neal, systems technician for Energenecs are volunteers for B.O.L.D. and recently participated in the 20th Annual B.O.L.D. Motorcycle Ride. We asked Nancy a few questions about this unique organization.
What is B.O.L.D.?
The technical name is Southeastern Wisconsin Lions B.O.L.D. Incorporated. We go by B.O.L.D., which means Blind Outdoor Leisure Development. We have various activities for blind or visually impaired people (we call them VIPs). We will go square dancing, sailing, canoeing, bike riding, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, or rock climbing… you name an activity, we do it!

We have guides who are trained to be able to do certain things with the VIPs. We recently took a lot of VIPs to a play. They were given special audio equipment so they could actually listen to what’s going on, such as “there’s a person in the background” or “she just put a cup on the table”.
How many people participate in this in your group?
We have a Board of Directors, an Activity Leader who comes up with ideas and more committees. The Board of Directors will approve the activities. There is a budget in place which is voted on every July to provide dollar guidance for each activity. There are about ten people on the Board of Directors. We could have up to 30 VIPs involved in any one event. This year for the motorcycle event, we had 18 VIPs. We had to make sure we had 18 motorcycles and drivers. When I found out that Bill O’Neal drove a motorcycle, I asked him years ago to join the ride. He has been volunteering ever since.

Where are most VIPs and volunteers from?
We’re mainly in southeast Wisconsin. Kenosha is probably the furthest away.
How is B.O.L.D. funded?
B.O.L.D. is mainly funded by local Lions Clubs. There are two districts, and in one of thoses districts, there might be 50 or so Lions Clubs. They provide us money to be able to do these activities for the VIPs. We also have outside donations.
How can people donate or volunteer?
There’s a website at wisconsinbold.com. You can sign up through the website for volunteering and to receive the quarterly newsletter. In the newsletter there can be up to 15 activities for the quarter. For activities there’s a phone number for you to either sign up as a VIP or as a guide. The newsletter also has a version provided so the VIPs can listen to it on their computer with special software for the blind.
How did you get involved?
I got involved because a friend of mine from church is the president of B.O.L.D. The Board of Directors decided they needed a new treasurer, so he asked me if I would come to a board meeting to present myself and my ideas. The Board of Directors elected me that night. That was 6 years ago.
A few words from Bill O’Neal about the motorcycle ride
I became involved with B.O.L.D. through Nancy, who is part of the Board of Directors and the motorcycle committee. The motorcycle ride is set up like any other ride would be, except you have somebody who is blind or visually impaired on the back of your motorcycle. Basically, you show up and they kind of match everybody up to find a rider. Sometimes there are more bikers than VIPs! On the motorcycle ride they have road guards in place, which is someone that watches intersections. They jump ahead and block traffic so that our group can go through intersections to keep everybody as safe as possible. We try to get on back roads and rustic roads. There are a lot of hills and curves which is more enjoyable. It’s a slow, leisurely roll. That gives the VIPs an opportunity to be out there and feel the wind on their face and the motor. They really look forward to it. I’ve heard multiple times that this is their favorite event!

During the ride we usually make a stop and do another event. We stopped at a gun club this year where the VIP’s were able to shoot guns or bows and arrows. They had things all set up for them so they could draw the bow back and let an arrow fly or shoot a rifle at a target.
I actually have become friends with the guy I usually ride with, Dean, who is completely blind. Some VIPs see no light, some can see shades of light, there are different levels of blindness. They appreciate things like the smells and the temperature changes and there are times when they know there is woods on your left or right. They can sense things like that, without sight. And to me, that’s pretty cool. This event helps me appreciate, and not take for granted, something as simple as sight. I’m inspired by how hard the VIP’s work to adapt to living without it, and usually with a positive attitude!