Say Farewell to “Forever” Chemicals Quickly with a PFAS Removal Rental Unit.
If PFAS is detected in your water, you have two immediate options: shut down the well or temporarily rent a PFAS removal system. WaterSurplus offers rental systems for PFAS removal, ensuring water safety and providing a temporary solution while a comprehensive PFAS removal project is planned and executed. Water Surplus currently has two rental units installed in Wisconsin and a contract to supply a third.
Water Surplus’ Rapid Response PFAS treatment solutions utilize the efficient anion exchange resin process until the full-scale plant is designed and built. These relatively small, pre-engineered systems come skidded or mounted inside a weatherized trailer for easy installation at your existing facility. Depending on the details of the application and their current inventory, they can often move from initial inquiry through regulator approval to putting a contaminated well back online within two to three months.