Meet Tim Morvak

Tim has been at Energenecs for the past eight years, we asked him about his job as a SCADA Technician. A SCADA technician has expertise in repairing and replacing communication equipment. They undertake the design of control systems and data acquisition monitoring applications as required. SCADA technicians are also proficient in handling diverse components such as VFDs, AC/DC motors, switchboards, and UPS backup systems and execute essential maintenance and repairs when necessary. However Tim’s primary focus is on the software development side of SCADA Systems. He mainly works with the front end graphics, reporting, alarming, and all the coding required for these items.

What attracted you to this industry?

I’ve always been intrigued by computers and all the technology that goes with them. My two biggest idols growing up were my dad who is an electrical engineer at GE and my grandpa (Warren Carter) who founded Kamp Synergy doing the work I now do. Growing up, I always saw Gramps working with customers because this job can be 24/7. We have to help customers anytime during the day. We would be on vacation and Gramps would be pulling out his computer and I was fascinated with what he was doing. I missed my chance to work at Kamp Synergy, because he was getting close to retirement age, and he sold the company to Energenecs. One day Gramps mentioned he had a job opportunity for me and put me in touch with Jared Feider, President of Energenecs and Brad Mentink, the Operations Manager. I had a limited knowledge of what a SCADA integrator did at that time, but I was curious! I knew it involved computer programming, which is right up my alley, but I just didn’t know what languages they programmed in. I went into the interview and it went very well. My Grandpa never told Jared or Brad that he was my grandfather… at the end of it, I called Warren “Gramps” and they were surprised to find out I was his grandson! When I started here, I really didn’t know what to expect, but I loved the people right off the bat and it has turned out to be a really good fit for me. I really like the customers and the work / life balance. That is why I have been at Energenecs for 8 years while only being 33 years old. It’s been a wonderful experience and I certainly enjoy it here.

What is that typical day for you?

My goodness, I was just talking to other programmers about this the other day! In the morning we put on our calendars what we’re doing that day. But if we’re not on a job site, chances are what we think we’re going to do in the morning is not what we’re actually going to end up doing throughout the day! We get service calls or other programmers need help when they’re on site. Basically I’m either on a job site, doing an install, which is usually pretty fun, or I’m working remotely, taking calls, developing code, and helping out the other programmers.

What are the service calls usually about?

It’s usually when something breaks, usually their IT departments will come in and change something and it can cause problems with our software. Or a Windows Update will happen and it’ll cause issues. The end users will start changing things and then I’ll need to fix it.

Do you do design work for new projects?

Absolutely, I do a lot of the Wonderware graphics, Win911 alarm software setup, and reporting package configurations for our projects. Sometimes, customers have a very old graphics package or a different software package, and I’ll have to redesign it from scratch.

What is your favorite type of project to work on?

I like the role I’ve filled here because when I started, the goal was to learn PLC programming along with Wonderware. But my first PLC job was scheduled for a Monday in August of 2020 and the previous Friday, I was hit by a drunk driver on my motorcycle. I came back after six months and we had so much Wonderware work to do, it’s basically been that way ever since.

morvak scada tech

Oh no! How did the accident occur?

A drunk 18 year old went through a red light. He was going about 60 I was going about 55 and he T-boned me while I was on a motorcycle. I shattered my left foot, broke my left leg and my collarbone on my right shoulder literally popped out. The crash site investigators said there was a 7% chance of survival with no permanent damage from that type of accident. Luckily, I have no damage, just some scars. I’ve been back in the gym doing all my hiking and normal stuff that I normally do all the time.

What is your favorite place to hike in the area?

morvak hikiing

My main trail that I go to is called Lapham Peak because it’s only about 15 minutes from my house and it’s just miles and miles of trails. It’s part of the Ice Age trail that goes all the way through Wisconsin. I also like Lions’ Den in Grafton, which is along the lakefront. You can go sit up on the bluff that looks over Lake Michigan, it’s really sweet! If I’m gonna do serious hiking it would be like Devil’s Lake, if it’s just a day trip, or I like to go up to the Porcupine mountains up in northern Wisconsin, but that’s usually like a weekend thing. I also like visiting the Apostle Islands up there too. If I travel somewhere for an adventure or a concert I like to look for hiking trails around the area. Last year, I hiked in the Appalachians, which was amazing.

What else do you like to do besides hiking?

I am a big fan of all things fitness. I like to go to the gym every day. It probably doesn’t sound fun to a lot of people, but I absolutely love it! I also am a big fan of motorcycle rides. I did buy another motorcycle the following season after my accident. I’ve been riding ever since I was a little kid. I enjoy building gaming computers as well as playing various games. I also enjoy trapshooting with sporting clays as well. And just hanging out with friends and family and working on my house!



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