Move over Dorothy, It’s now The Rocket!
“Dorothy” has been with Energenecs for many years, but has been replaced by “The Rocket”.
So who/what is Dorothy?
Harlan Mueller (currently retired from Energenecs) named the miniature HUBER Rok4 vertical fine screen demo model “Dorothy”. Harlan took that unit all over the place to many trade shows. Dorothy also came along to lunches at engineering companies where they learned about the RoK4 technology. The team joked Dorothy was in Harlan’s car more than his family was!
You might have seen Dorothy’s replacement, “The Rocket” at recent trade shows. The Rocket is a full size demo unit of the RoK4. Though not as cute as Dorothy, The Rocket is hard to miss! Stop by our booth to learn about how RoK4 vertically lifts screenings, dewaters and compacts them at the same time. The RoK4 has 60+ installations throughout Wisconsin. Learn more about the RoK4 here.