Meet Team Member Barry Ganske

Barry joined the team in the summer of 2017 and his current role is in Fabrication, Safety and Maintenance. We asked Barry a few questions about his experience.

What is your background?

I have an electro-mechanical degree from Moraine Park Technical College where I learned how to wire panels. After that I worked for the City of Beaver Dam for 23 years as the maintenance supervisor. Then I worked at Grafton Water Utility, where I took care of all the maintenance in the plant. We had a really good safety program down there, and that’s where I learned quite a bit. I currently work part time at Energenecs, since I’m officially retired, with my 30 years in the Wisconsin Retirement System.
morianie technical college
beaver dam

How did you end up at Energenecs?

We hired Energenecs down at the Grafton plant when I was there, so I was familiar with what they provided. Brad Mentink, the Operations Manager at Energenecs, was looking for someone to help in the panel shop and I was hired four years ago, wiring up panels. We got caught up and there was a need for someone to take on some of the safety issues, so I became the Safety Coordinator.

What does a Safety Coordinator do?

We deal with safety issues like confined spaces, lock out/tag out, fall protections and hazardous communication. These issues are mainly for the service team, who are out on the job. I am responsible for all of the safety training and I get them equipment if they need it. We also have an outside source, who overlooks our procedures, to make sure we do everything correctly.

first aid training
first aid training
first aid training

Energenecs recently had a full day of training for our service techs and some admin team members for first aid, CPR and defibrillator training. Confined space training was also included as many times the techs have to go down into wet wells that are very narrow and very small. There are certain regulations to keep everyone safe.

What do you enjoy about your job?

I really like working in the panel shop with the fabricators and the service team, doing the wiring. We are extremely particular with how we wire everything. It’s very precise and organized, which also makes it easier for the service team when they troubleshoot. I love working at Energenecs, great people, great company! I do a little bit of everything.

So you are the swiss army knife of the company?

[laughs] Since I was in the maintenance of buildings for so many years, I provide all the maintenance on the building at Energenecs. I maintain the HVAC units on the roof, our safety program which includes fire protection and the sprinkler system. I also help out occasionally with shipping and receiving and I buy all of our vehicles. So it’s quite a bit, it’s kind of a mix of everything.


What do you like to do for fun?

We have a boat and go recreational boating a lot on Fox Lake and Big Cedar lake with my family.. We like skiing and tubing, stuff like that!

fox river
cedar lake


46th anniversary
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