Outdated SCADA?
No need to panic, but do plan ahead.
Strategic planning and appropriate upgrades can get you through the dark woods to a long lasting supervisory control & data acquisition “SCADA” system again. There are many facets to upgrading a SCADA system, not simply limited to procuring new SCADA servers and loading new operating systems and software on a computer. In all cases, a utility should review their complete system, identify all SCADA hardware and software wired up and operating their network, plan for upgrades and budget accordingly.
Upgrade to Windows 10
Similar to other operating system upgrades since 1990, an upgrade to Windows 10 and elimination of support for previous operating systems forces these upgrades. Microsoft Windows 7 is now officially no longer supported as of January 14, 2020, and could pose threats to your control and monitoring system if left running without upgrade.

Check your PLCs

Onsite or Cloud Software?

Energenecs Can Assist