Water / Wastewater Equipment Installations Firsts
Since 1979, Energenecs has many “first” wastewater equipment installations, becoming the leader in providing innovative technologies to the water and wastewater industry throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan.

2019 First Smith & Loveless 250 gpm Ni-Hard grit concentrator installed in Racine, Wisconsin. The Pista Duralyte effectively washes collected grit while delivering extended service life beyond standard concentrator designs.

2015-2019 Five Ovivo/Microdyn MBR installations in Wisconsin: Bowler, Abbottsford (2), Mosinee, and Cumberland. Ovivo will apply their customized MBR technology to each unique wastewater treatment problem. With Microdyn’s MBR technology, the clarifier is replaced by a physical barrier, the Microdyn BioCel.

2014 First Ovivo Sonolyzer installation in Marengo, Illinois. The Sonolyzer Ultrasound Sludge Disintegrator is one of the most effective sludge reduction technologies available. Ultrasound generates rapid creation, growth and collapse of microscopic bubbles creating extreme mechanical shear forces that cause the disintegration of biomass in wastewater.

2013 First large Ovivo Aerostrip installation in Danville, Illinois. Ovivo’s advanced perforation technology and a high strength polyurethane membrane are the secrets to the Aerostrip fine pore diffusers high performance and long service life.

2012 First Huber biosolids dryer and Huber RoS 3Q press installation in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The RoS 3Q 620 achieved an unbelievable cake DR of 38.5% with a solids load of 350 kgDR/H and a polymer dose of 6.5 g/kgDR – a far better result than that achieved by the centrifuge.

2010 First Ovivo Membrane BioReactor Membrane (MBR) installation at Stockbridge-Munsee, Bowler, Wisconsin. Ovivo’s membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems have the best technology available and can meet the most stringent effluent nutrient limits in wastewater treatment and reuse applications.

2007 First Ovivo Astrumaer Carrousel Impeller installation in Baraboo, Wisconsin. The Astrumaer high efficiency vertical shaft surface aerator is the third rim-blade aerator type developped by the people of D. ten Hove Consultancy B.V. – The Netherlands.

2006 Designed and built Environmental Dynamics Biomizer PLC control system in Bessemer, Michigan. The EDI BioMizer System provided sequenced aeration for maximum mixing and efficiency in a user friendly PLC interface.

2005 First Huber RoK4 installation in Oostburg, Wisconsin. The Rotomat RoK4 screen is the ideal solution for pumping stations, whether for new structures or refurbishment. Contrary to conventional screening systems which require manual cleaning, the screen surface of the Rotamat RoK 4 screen is cleaned automatically.

2005 First Ovivo Cleartec IFAS system installed in the United States with EDI Flex Air diffusers in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. The Cleartec system consists of a submerged, fixed-bed, polypropylene textile media which promotes attached growth biomass in Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge or Fixed Bed Bioreactors applications.

2004 First Huber RoSF4 grit washer installation in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Grit Washer for treatment of partly dewatered grit from wastewater treatment plants.

2001 First Environmental Dynamics disc aeration system installation in L’Anse, Michigan. EDI has dedicated more than two decades to the research and development of advanced technology aeration and biological treatment solutions.

1999 First Huber Ro9 installation in Clinton, Wisconsin. The Huber Micro Strainer Rotamat Ro9 is a wastewater screen for small to medium flows with integrated screenings washing and compaction, for channel installation or supplied in a tank with optional frost protection for outdoor installation.

1998 Largest membrane system installed in the United States, Kenosha, Wisconsin.

1991 First Ashbrook Winklepress sold to a paper mill in the United States , Kaukauna, Wisconsin. The Winklepress is a high performance belt filter press used for dewatering in municipal and industrial wastewater applications.

Received Governor’s New Product Award for Integral Valve Vault™. The Governor’s New Product Awards are sponsored by the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers. They focus on rapidly emerging technologies, recognize the contribution of engineers in new product development.

1984 First Environmental Dynamics REEF System installation in Athens, Wisconsin. The REEF System was a high efficiency, fine bubble lagoon aeration system that provided a retrievable systems for lagoons. High efficiency fine pore diffuser units could be pulled to the surface, maintained and returned to service.

1979 First Vortex municipal grit chamber installed in North America, Rhinelander, Wisconsin.